QLM Life & Medical Insurance Company QPSC
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Despite operating out of a highly competitive marketplace, QLM retains customers with high-valued Life and Health Insurance products and services by providing them with the most satisfying ownership experience regardless of where they may be. As both lines of our business – Life and Medical are service intensive and sensitive; we have always focused on our unique service delivery model and customer service philosophy and have achieved commendable success and unprecedented levels of customer satisfaction.

At QLM, we have ensured that the key differentiation between Group Life and Individual Life is handled with innovative group underwriting and higher non-medical limits. We have always believed in the tenet, “Life Insurance is for living individuals”, and thus ensure to bundle living benefits with death benefits in a traditional Life Insurance policy.

Medical Insurance is not only used by people who fall sick, but is also used by individuals to ensure wellness. Living a whole and healthy life is every human’s right and we ensure that every individual beneficiary covered by us is protected in a comprehensive manner and has timely access to the best healthcare services.

For the coming years, our focus will be on growing Life and Medical business with customer centric innovative products and services. We are confident of achieving new milestones in growth while enhancing the current customer ecstasy levels.

By making QLM as the provider of choice for all Life and Medical Insurance solutions, multiplying the value of shareholders and enhancing the legacy of the Group, we demonstrate our commitment to the Group.


Mr. Fahad Al Suwaidi

Chief Executive Officer